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Friday, September 8 • 2:40pm - 4:10pm
A comprehensive approach to n=1 for healing

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This presentation introduces a comprehensive framework for personalized experimentation using an ancestral approach to healing. Virtually everyone who uses an n=1 approach finds that ancestral patterns of living and eating create optimal health. We know that this is true whether people are seeking to mitigate autoimmune response or achieve peak performance and peak experience. We also know that each of us is unique (genetically, epigenetically, ‘microbially’, temperamentally, etc.) and that an n=1 approach is often required to achieve peak health. In the ancestral health community ‘n=1’ is a common buzzphrase, but, until now, there has been no readily-available framework that individuals and practitioners can use to approach n=1 experimentation in a safe and systematic way. This presentation offers a comprehensive system using established techniques from research, evaluation, continuous quality improvement, and complex systems analysis. This method has been specifically created for use by laypeople with complex chronic health conditions.

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Petra Chambers-Sinclair

Petra is the 7th generation of her family to live in L’kwungen territory in Victoria, Canada. Her graduate research focused on the juxtaposition of new science and ancient wisdom teachings, which led to her own experimentation with ancestral patterns of living. She began seriously... Read More →

Friday September 8, 2017 2:40pm - 4:10pm PDT
225 Kane Hall